
The Interpreneur Report

March 29, 2023

what drives people to set up and ambitiously grow their own new businesses, what makes them tick, what typical attributes they tend to share. While entrepreneurship can take many forms, often characteristics like boldness, creativity and tenacity are seen as being at its heart. But having established a successful company, what is it that makes a founder or a business leader want to take it international? What spurs them to take that entrepreneurial mindset: to go from entrepreneur to ‘Interpreneur’?

To find out, we decided to survey 600 business leaders in Europe, Asia and the Americas, to better understand the attitudes of potential and actual ‘Interpreneurs’; to shine a light on their goals and what it might take to achieve them, and to identify the barriers that may be holding them back.

In conducting this research, we wanted to start a conversation around what Interpreneurship means, what it can look like in practice, and therefore what it might take to turn global vision into successful operations in new regions on the ground. Armed with this information, Interpreneurs who are weighing
up their options can benefit from having a clearer picture of what others in their situation think and do. Policy-makers will be able to deliver better-targeted support. And advisers will have an additional layer of business intelligence to ensure their expertise is effectively targeted at all times and to best serve the needs of businesses with Interpreneurial aspirations.

What is clear from our findings is that there are as many differences as commonalities among what we are loosely terming the ‘Interpreneurial community’ across the globe. But that, in itself, is interesting and informative.

Kreston Global was founded more than 50 years ago with the aim of supporting businesses whenever and wherever in the world they wanted to go. In 2022 that aim is more relevant than ever. We hope that this report will provide valuable insights for any aspiring “Interpreneur,” as well as policy-makers and other stakeholders in this field, and spark important conversations around how best to support growing entrepreneurial businesses with international ambitions.

The Interpreneur Report _ final Sept 6  Download here